Noxubee County School District Gifted Education Program

 662-726-5049 - Office

* Program Information

S.P.A.R.K.S. (Special People Achieving Rich Knowledge and Success) is the Noxubee County School District’s Intellectually Gifted Program, serving gifted students in second through sixth grades.  The classroom for the gifted program is located at the Central Office Administrative Complex and the format of the gifted program is a one day per week, five hour pull-out program.  At the end of each gifted class, students are transported back to their respective schools.

There are currently 46 gifted students enrolled in the gifted program from Earl Nash Elementary, B.F. Liddell Elementary and Wilson Elementary.

A blanket screening of all first grade students in the Noxubee County School District is conducted each spring in an effort to identify potential gifted students.  Referrals for the gifted program can be made throughout the school year by contacting the Teacher of the Gifted (contact information listed below) or a child’s classroom teacher.